Path to Wellness

5 tips for your healthy body

Just a small change to our daily habits for a better and healthy skin and Body. It’s free!! 

#1 Sleep

Re-charge your body, a lot of us are missing a proper good 7 hours of sleep due to busy schedules and lifestyle. Sleep is the body’s natural beauty treatment. A tired body equals to less radiance on your skin and increase your chance of having fine lines and uneven tone, your skin will looks aged over time. If you want a healthy body and good skin have a good night sleep and let your body rest to get recharged. 

#2 Drink at least 8 glass or more water per day.

Staying hydrated not only good for your skin but also benefit your general health. Water helps to flash out the toxin from our body. However, you should not consumed large amount of water at one go, instead you should sipped water regularly to keep the function balance and maintain the proper hydration. We often forget to drink water especially in air-conditioning environment which we didn’t feel thirst or urge to sip some water, so have a jar of water on your desk in front of you and make drinking regular.

#3 Cut down on sugary foods.

We loved sugary foods, but when you eat sugary food or high-glycemic food that cause insulin levels spike, this causes collagen and elastin to break down, which causes sagging skin and wrinkles. Why not load up on healthy fats like avocados, olive oils, nuts and fishes that are rich in omega 6 & 3 to keep your skin looking soft, supple and radiant. 

#4 Don’t pop your pimple.

I agree that a new pimple on the face is awful and irritating. Do not consider to pop that new pimple as popping it can leave you with scarring or skin infection if not done properly as your skin now open and introduces dirt and bacteria into your pimple. if you need to extract leave it to the pro.

#5 Shower 

Most of us are not aware how we wipe our body after shower affect our skin. We vigorously wipe down to keep dry and fresh after a shower. We should change our way of wipe down to pat down instead, this is to reduced the tipping way the skin’s natural oils after shower. Avoid having long shower as this would wash away our skin natural oils. When the skin is dry, is more likely to itch flake and crack.


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